
What is TikTok? Why Should You Care?

What is TikTok?

Video creating, dubsmashing, and Video sharing application, TikTok. When it comes to global marketing strategies, it has always worked quite under the radar. The instant music platform has never really been much of a priority for influencer campaigns or consumer engagement, more of an afterthought for paid social advertising.

Why Should You Care About TikTok?

Unlike other social networks that allow you to locate friends or celebrities when you start seeding your profile, TikTok launches an endless series of curated videos called ”The For You” Page. These videos are shown to you based on the TikTok Algorithm based on your demographics, location, and the type of content you seem to enjoy more than others.

For checking out the other videos, simply swipe up. You can also check out other videos by choosing the explore tab or by clicking on the user icon to check out the other videos of the same user. You can also choose one hashtag and choose the soundtrack of the video, and search for other videos with the same soundtrack. If you are a brand, you can place ads on Tik Tok to gain good exposure.

  • When the TikTok app launches on your phone, buy a splash ad that will load.
  • Purchase “For You” advertisements that incorporate videos for the company into the For You video list.
  • Buy a Hashtag Challenge where a brand can sponsor a particular hashtag, work with TikTok to create custom-made video effects and filters, and then encourage fans to post videos to that hashtag.